

ڽź ġ
質 ġ
迬 ġ







 ۾ : B1A4
ȸ : 7,287   õ : 1   õ : 0  


1. I think... ...  

I think you're right. ´ . 

I think we're lost. 츮 Ҿ . 

I think this is it. ̰ װ . 

I think this is yours. ̰ . 

I think this is enough. ̰Ÿ . 

I think that is better. . 

I think it's two hours long. 2ð Ǵ . 

2. I mean... ... 

I mean I love you. Ѵٴ°ž. 

I mean I hate you. װ ȴٴ°ž. 

I mean I'll do it for you. ʸ ϰڴٴ°ž. 

I mean I don't want any. ƹ͵ ʿٴ°ž. 

I mean I don't know how.  ؾ 𸣰ڴٴ°ž. 

I mean we should help. 츮 Ѵٴ°ž. 

I mean to clean up first. ûҸ ϶°ž. 

3. I like... ...  

I like you. . 

I like this. ̰ . 

I like to swim. ϴ . 

I like my job. . 

I like reading. å д . 

I like the movies. ȭ . 

I like your shoes. Ź . 

4. Do you... ...ϴ? 

Do you live here? ? 

Do you like this? ̰ ? 

Do you have a car? ־? 

Do you have enough? ִ? 

Do you want more? ٱ? 

Do you want to go out? ۿ ? 

Do you come here often? ⿡ ? 

5. Are you...? ...ϴ? 

Are you okay? ? 

Are you done? ¾? 

Are you alone? ȥڼ? 

Are you happy? ູϴ? 

Are you leaving? °ž? 

Are you working today? ϴ? 

Are you going shopping? °ž? 

6. Can I...? ...ص ſ? 

Can I drive? ص ? 

Can I help you? ٱ? 

Can I see that? ? 

Can I call you? ȭص ? 

Can I keep this? ̰ ? 

Can I go with you? ʶ ? 

Can I have some more? Ծ ? 

7. Could you...? ...ص ſ? 

Could you help me? ٷ? 

Could you turn off the TV? TV ٷ? 

Could you pass the salt? ұ dzֽðھ? 

Could you hold this a minute? ̰ ٷ? 

Could you check this for me? ̰ üũ ֽðھ? 

Could you give me some more? ݸ ֽðھ? 

Could you take out the trash? ۿ ? 

8. Let's... ... 

Let's go. . 

Let's eat. . 

Let's go to bed. . 

Let's grab a beer. . 

Let's go for a drive. ̺곪 . 

Let's take a break. . 

Let's finish this later. ̰ ߿ . 

9. I feel... ...  

I feel sad. . 

I feel cold. ߿. 

I feel tired. ǰ. 

I feel thirsty. 񸻶. 

I feel sick. ° . 

I feel hungry. . 

I feel good. . 

10. I need to... ...ؾ  

I need to get a job. ڸ ʿ. 

I need to get new shoes. Ź ߰ڱ. 

I need to go shopping. Ϸ ߰ھ. 

I need to buy some milk. ߰ھ. 

I need to study tonight. 㿡 ؾ . 

I need to use the restroom. ȭ ߰ھ. 

I need to call my parents. θԲ ȭ ؾ . 

11. Can I have...? ...ص ? 

Can I have this? ̰ ? 

Can I have a pet? ֿϵ ? 

Can I have a cookie? Ű Ծ ? 

Can I have some time off? ? 

Can I have some more time? ð ɱ? 

Can I have another beer? ŵ ? 

Can I have another chance? ٸ ȸ ? 

12. I'm sure... ... Ȯ 

I'm sure she'll come. ׳ ðž. 

I'm sure she'll call soon. ׳డ ȭȰž. 

I'm sure she'll be surprised. ׳డ ¦ ž. 

I'm sure he'll like it. ״ ̰ Ұž. 

I'm sure this is enough. ̰Ÿ . 

I'm sure excited about it. ¯̾. 

I'm sure glad you came. װ ͼ ⻵. 

13. I'm sorry... ...ؼ ̾ 

I'm sorry I'm late. ʾ ̾. 

I'm sorry I broke it. η߷ ̾. 

I'm sorry I lost the keys. 踦 Ҿ ̾. 

I'm sorry I forgot to call. ȭϴ° ؾ ̾. 

I'm sorry you couldn't come. װ ´ٴ ̾. 

I'm sorry you didn't get any. װ ƹ ͵ ؼ ̾. 

I'm sorry It's not the color you wanted. װ ϴ ƴϾ ̾. 

14. I have to... ... ؾ 

I have to study. θ ؾ . 

I have to go to work. Ϸ . 

I have to go home now. . 

I have to write a paper. . 

I have to do my makeup. ȭ ؾ . 

I have to brush my teeth. ̸ ۾ƾ . 

I have to call my mom. ȭ ؾ . 

15. How about... ... ? 

How about you? ? 

How about him? ? 

How about later? ? 

How about one more? ϳ ? 

How about a bigger one? ū ? 

How about Chinese food? ߱ ? 

How about watching a movie? ȭ ° ? 

16. Do you want to...? ...ҷ? 

Do you want to drive? ҷ? 

Do you want to go home now? ? 

Do you want to go to the mall? θ ? 

Do you want to watch a movie? ȭ ? 

Do you want to have a beer? ҷ? 

Do you want to have a cup of coffee? Ŀ ҷ? 

Do you want to have dinner with me? ? 

17. Do you think...? ... ϴ? 

Do you think she's nice? ڰ ִٰ ϴ? 

Do you think this is right? ̷ ϴ ´ٰ ? 

Do you think this'll work? ̰ ȿ ִٰ ϴ? 

Do you think this tastes okay? ٰ ? 

Do you think I should do this? ̰ ؾ Ѵٰ ? 

Do you think we're too early? 츮 ʹ ٰ ϴ? 

Do you think we have enough? 츮 ִٰ ϴ? 

18. How do you...? ... ϴ? 

How do you feel? ? 

How do you do that? װ  ? 

How do you make it? ̰  ? 

How do you know him?  ˾? 

How do you like this?  ̰ ? 

How do you like my new dress? 巹 ? 

How do you want your eggs?  ؼ ? 

19. I don't want to... ...ϰ ʾ 

I don't want to drive. ϰ ʾ. 

I don't want to get up. Ͼ ʾ. 

I don't want to go to bed. ڰ ʾ. 

I don't want to go to school. б ʾ. 

I don't want to work today. ϰ ʾ. 

I don't want to talk to him. ڿ ϰ ʾ. 

I don't want to be seen like this. ̷ ̱ Ⱦ. 

20. Would you like to...? ...ϰ ? 

Would you like to do this? ̰ ϰ ? 

Would you like to keep it? ̰ ? 

Would you like to have one? ϳ ? 

Would you like to take a break? ? 

Would you like to try again? ٽ غ ? 

Would you like to go home? ð ? 

Would you like to go to the mall? θ ? 

21. Have you...? ... ־? 

Have you found it yet? װ ãҳ? 

Have you seen my keys? ֳ? 

Have you seen this movie? ȭ ־? 

Have you been here before? ִ? 

Have you been waiting long? ٷ ־? 

Have you ever done this before? ̰ غ ־? 

Have you ever met her before? ڸ ִ? 

22. I'm going to... ... Ϸ  

I'm going to work? Ϸ ž. 

I'm going to buy it. װ ž. 

I'm going to leave now. ž. 

I'm going to finish this. ̰ ž. 

I'm going to call him. ȭҰž. 

I'm going to go upstairs. ö󰥰ž. 

I'm going to bake a cake. ũ ž. 

23. Don't forget to... ... ϴ°  

Don't forget to study. ϴ° . 

Don't forget to call me. ȭϴ° . 

Don't forget to write me. ° . 

Don't forget to bring the beer. ° . 

Don't forget to invite your brother. ʴϴ° . 

Don't forget to take out the garabage. ° . 

Don't forget to thank your sister for me. ٴ . 

24. Are you going to...? ...ҰŴ? 

Are you going to study? ҰŴ? 

Are you going to buy it? װ Ŵ? 

Are you going to leave soon? ݹ Ŵ? 

Are you going to call her? ׳ ȭҰž? 

Are you going to watch the game? Ŵ? 

Are you going to see him again? ڸ ٽ Ŵ? 

Are you going to be home tonight? 㿡 Ŵ? 

25. Where do you...? ...? 

Where do you live? ? 

Where do you work? ? 

Where do you put this? ̰ Ŵ? 

Where do you want to go? ʹ? 

Where do you go to school? 𿡼 б ٴϴ? 

Where do you buy your shoes? Ź 𿡼 ? 

Where do you come from? 𿡼 Դ? 

26. Thank you for... ...༭  

Thank you for coming. ༭ . 

Thank you for calling. ȭ༭ . 

Thank you for all your help. ༭ . 

Thank you for cleaning up. û༭ . 

Thank you for reminding me. ˷༭ . 

Thank you for making dinner. ༭ . 

Thank you for driving me home. ¿༭ . 

27. Who likes...? ... ? 

Who likes this? ̰ ? 

Who likes her? ׳ฦ ? 

Who likes spaghetti? İƼ ? 

Who likes this movie? ȭ ? 

Who likes to swim? ? 

Who likes to work? ϴ° ? 

Who likes to get up early? ħ Ͼ° ? 

28. used to... ...ϰ ߾ 

I used to eat out. ܽ ߾. 

I used to like him. ڸ ߾. 

I used to like working. ߾. 

I used to hate math. Ⱦ߾. 

I used to drink a lot. ̾. 

I used to drink coffee. ĿǸ ̾. 

I used to travel a lot. ٳ. 

29. Who's going to...? ...ҷ? 

Who's going to drive? ҰŴ? 

Who's going to fix this? ̰ ĥŴ? 

Who's going to the store? Կ ? 

Who's going to tell him? ׿ Ŵ? 

Who's going to buy the ticket? ǥ 緯 ? 

Who's going to watch the baby? ̸ Ŵ? 

Who's going to wash the dishes? ҰŴ? 

30. It looks like... ...  

It looks like I'm wrong. Ʋ . 

It looks like you're right. װ ´ . 

It looks like we might win. 츮 ̱ . 

It looks like Jack's coming. Jack . 

It looks like it might rain. . 

It looks like I'm going to be late. . 

It looks like we're ready to leave. 츮 غ . 

31. Why don't you...? ...ϴ ? 

Why don't you like me? ϴ° ? 

Why don't you take a break? ? 

Why don't you take the bus? Ÿ ? 

Why don't you leave me alone? δ ? 

Why don't you ask for directions.  ? 

Why don't you ask your mother?  ? 

Why don't you find someone else? ٸ ãƺ ? 

32. I'm trying to... ...Ϸ ̾ 

I'm trying to work. Ϸ ̾. 

I'm trying to study. Ϸ ̾. 

I'm trying to find my keys. 踦 ã ̾. 

I'm trying to make a cake. ũ ̾. 

I'm trying to finish this. ̰ ̾. 

I'm trying to finish it on time. ̰ ð ̾. 

I'm trying to remember her name. ׳ ̸ س ̾. 

33. I told you to... ... ݾ 

I told you to go away. ݾ. 

I told you to be careful. ϶ ݾ. 

I told you to leave me alone. ȥ ζ ݾ. 

I told you to stop smoking. ݾ. 

I told you to stop calling me. ȭ ݾ. 

I told you to help your mom. ͵帮 ݾ. 

I told you to ask someone else. ٸ  ݾ. 

34. You don't have to... װ ... ʾƵ  

You don't have to leave. ʾƵ . 

You don't have to stay. ʾƵ . 

You don't have to eat it. װ ʾƵ . 

You don't have to do anything. ƹ ͵ ʾƵ . 

You don't have to say anything. ƹ ʾƵ . 

You don't have to bring anything. ƹ ͵ ͵ . 

You don't have to come with me. . 

35. It's time to... ... ð̾ 

It's time to leave. ð̾. 

It's time to go home. ð̾. 

It's time to go to school. б ð̾. 

It's time to have lunch. ð̾. 

It's time to say goodbye. ð̾. 

It's time to take a break. ޽ ð̾. 

It's time to brush your teeth. ð̾. 

36. What if...? ...ϸ ? 

What if I'm late? ? 

What if I lose it? װ Ҿ ? 

What if I can't do it? ̰ ϸ ? 

What if it snows? ? 

What if no one comes? ƹ ? 

What if he says 'No'? ȴٰ ϸ ? 

What if he's not there? װ ű⿡ ? 

37. When do you plan to...? ... ȹ̾? 

When do you plan to leave? Ŵ? 

When do you plan to study? ҰŴ? 

When do you plan to go home? Ŵ? 

When do you plan to graduate? ҰŴ? 

When do you plan to finish this? ̰ ȹ̴? 

When do you plan to have some fun? Ŵ? 

When do you plan to take a vacation? ް ȹ̴? 

38. I just wanted to... ...ϰ ; 

I just wanted to be alone. ȥ ְ ;. 

I just wanted to go home. ;. 

I just wanted to get my coat. Ʈ . 

I just wanted to see you again. ٽ ;. 

I just wanted to know the truth. ˰ ;. 

I just wanted to hear you say it. װ װ ;. 

I just wanted to find my cell phone. ޴ ã ;. 

39. I'm thinking... ...ұ ̾ 

I'm thinking about moving. ̻縦 ұ ̾. 

I'm thinking we're finished. 츮 ٰ ̾. 

I'm thinking of going to bed. ڸ ̾. 

I'm thinking of riding the bus. Ż ̾. 

I'm thinking I'll skip the class. ĥ ̾. 

I'm thinking about getting a job. ڸ ̾. 

I'm thinking you should go first. װ Ѵٰ ̾. 

40. Do you want me to...? ...ϱ⸦ ? 

Do you want me to drive? ұ? 

Do you want me to fix that? ٱ? 

Do you want me to call you? ȭұ? 

Do you want me to meet you? ѹ ? 

Do you want me to help you? ٱ? 

Do you want me to get some more? ٱ? 

Do you want me to wash the dishes? ٱ? 

41. I should have... ...߾ ߴµ 

I should have worn a coat. Ʈ Ծ ߴµ. 

I should have come sooner. Ծ ߴµ. 

I should have reminded him. ׿ ˷ ߴµ. 

I should have told the truth. ߾ ߴµ. 

I should have called you. ʿ ȭ ߾ ߴµ. 

I should have studied hard. θ ߾ ߴµ. 

I should have listened to her. ׳ ߴµ. 

42. Is there anyone who...? Ȥ ... ־? 

Is there anyone who can cook? 丮 ִ ֳ? 

Is there anyone who can fix it? Ȥ ̰ ĥ ֳ? 

Is there anyone who can help me? ֳ? 

Is there anyone who can speaks English?  ƴ ֳ? 

Is there anyone who knows Peter? Ȥ Peter ƴ ֳ? 

Is there anyone who knows how to do this? ̰  ϴ ƴ ֳ? 

Is there anyone who knows about computers? ǻͿ ƴ ֳ? 

43. Have you ever... ... ־? 

Have you ever seen a whale? ־? 

Have you ever played pool? 忡 ƺ ־? 

Have you ever eaten sushi? ø Ծ ־? 

Have you ever been to a zoo? ־? 

Have you ever cooked before? 丮غ ־? 

Have you ever driven a car before? ڵ غ ־? 

Have you ever traveled overseas? ؿܷ డ ־? 

44. I was wondering if... ... ñ߾ 

I was wondering if you'd call. װ ȭ ñ߾. 

I was wondering if you'd like it. װ ߾. 

I was wondering if you'd help me. װ ߾. 

I was wondering if you'd go out with me. Ʈ ߾. 

I was wondering if you'd remember. װ ϰ ñ߾. 

I was wondering if he'd be here. װ ⿡ ñ߾. 

I was wondering if I could take a break. ñ߾. 

45. Is it possible that...? ...ϴ ? 

Is it possible that he's married? ڰ ȥߴٴ ? 

Is it possible that I got fired? ذƴٴ ? 

Is it possible that it was canceled? װ ҵǾٴ ? 

Is it possible that the battery's dead? ͸ ٴ ? 

Is it possible that we'd get caught? 츮 ٴ ? 

Is it possible that they've forgotten? ؾȴٴ ? 

Is it possible that we've the wrong address? 츮 Ʋ ּҸ ִٴ ? 

46. Is it okay if...? ...ص ھ? 

Is it okay if I'm late? ʾ ھ? 

Is it okay if I go first? ھ? 

Is it okay if I go home early? ھ? 

Is it okay if I make a call first? ȭ ص ɱ? 

Is it okay if I have one more? ϳ ھ? 

Is it okay if we leave now? 츮 ھ? 

Is it okay if we do this later? 츮 ̰ ߿ ص ھ? 

47. Would you mind if...? ...ص ɱ? 

Would you mind if we leave? 츮 ɱ? 

Would you mind if we didn't go? 츮 ɱ? 

Would you mind if we go tomorrow? 츮 ɱ? 

Would you mind if I drive? ص ɱ? 

Would you mind if I left early? ɱ? 

Would you mind if I'm a little late? ʾ ɱ? 

Would you mind if I listened to some music?  ɱ? 

48. How come...?  ... ? 

How come it's so hard? ̰ ̷ ? 

How come I always get sick? ׻ ñ? 

How come I have to do it? ° ̰ ؾ ? 

How come I failed the exam? 迡 ? 

How come we have to go? ° 츮 ? 

How come you're always late? ׻ ʴ? 

How come you never listen to me? ׻ ? 

49. What makes you...? ʴ ... ? 

What makes you laugh? ʴ °Ŵ? 

What makes you happy? ʴ ູϴ? 

What makes you crying? ʴ °Ŵ? 

What makes you live here? ʴ ⿡ ? 

What makes you feel that way? ʴ ׷ ? 

What makes you think that? ʴ ׷ ϴ? 

What makes you so sure? ʴ ׷ Ȯϴ? 

50. I can't believe... ...  

I can't believe it. װ . 

I can't believe it's free. װ ¥ . 

I can't believe he's alive. װ ִ . 

I can't believe he got married. װ ȥߴٴ . 

I can't believe we're here. 츮 ִٴ . 

I can't believe they did that. ׵ ׷ ߴٴ . 


I can't believe she said that. ׳డ ׷ ߴٴ .


õ : 1

ȣ     ۾ ¥ ȸ õ õ
8743 ų 帧 ٸ ٲ ġ 05-23 1104 1 0
8742 簡 ϴ ȣ ȵǴ¹ SUPERMAGAZINE 05-22 1152 1 0
8741 ' ǰǰ? SUPERMAGAZINE 05-22 779 1 0
8740 źϸ 㸮ũ 뿡  SUPERMAGAZINE 05-22 748 1 0
8739 ̳ʰ ˷ִ ƮƮƮ ϴ 05-19 706 1 0
8738 ĵ (* Դ ) Ŀű 05-17 917 1 0
8737 ϼ Ŀ Ÿ (7 Ͽ Ģ) ġ 05-17 955 1 0
8736 ջŰ 8 ġ 05-17 1098 1 0
8735 źȭ Ȯ ٿ 9 ġ 05-17 645 1 0
8734 Ż ϱ 20 ì Ծ ϴ 4 ġ 05-17 557 1 0
8733 ٶ (2) Superboy 05-05 1287 1 0
8732  索  Superboy 05-05 1246 1 0
8731 Ʈ Ȯϰ ѹ ȸ Ż ϴ ǿ 05-04 781 1 0
8730 ׳ ѱ ʱ 8 (1) Dragon.Virus 05-04 1560 1 0
8729 ̰ ǰ 6 (2) Dragon.Virus 05-04 1013 1 0
8728 10 (1) PromiseMe 04-29 1450 1 0
8727 '' ڴ 10 (1) ڵGB 04-26 1115 1 0
8726 ε Ʈ Ѵ PlentyofFish 04-26 1009 1 0
8725 ǻ Ծ ȴٴ ߽ (1) ĿǸų 04-13 2169 1 0
8724 ȿ ̰ Į Ȯ ִ Ű Լ TOPCEO 04-11 986 1 0
8723 ޶ ƿA6 04-11 1155 1 0
8722 ϴ ̺ ֱ ONEPIECE 04-07 1417 1 0
8721 Ȯ  ÷ (1) [ONE] No.1 04-04 1399 1 0
8720 Ϸ ì Դ Ÿ ϴ (1) ׸Ʈ 03-30 1313 1 0
8719 ȭ ϼ! TOPCEO 03-30 1003 1 0
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10